Get IntelliSense for your SVG icons library using Typescript

Elad Elram
3 min readFeb 23, 2022


Some of the most satisfying things in life are the minor accomplishments you achieve, the ones that make your day-to-day work a little more fluent.
Suppose you use a custom SVG library for your icons. In that case, you probably experience this annoying routine: You copy the icon name from the design and try to display it to the screen. But the names do not exactly match 🤔 and you need to look carefully in the SVG index file 😒, or even try a few times before you hit the correct icon. 😠

Can we do better? If you are using Typescript — yes, we can!!

Type your SVG icons

So, you are building a design system or some other reusable component library for your team. One of the first things you need to take care of is the icons. If you use a custom SVG library, you probably index all the icons' paths in some file. We index these paths in a simple const object, and it's working just fine.

We decided to take a step forward and make our SVG library a little more convenient for the developers.
First, we use a class to store the index with areadonly property for each icon:

class AteraIcons {  readonly home = './assets/svg/home.svg';  readonly user = './assets/svg/user.svg';  readonly chevron_down_bold = './assets/svg/chevron_down_bold.svg';  readonly close_x_thin = './assets/svg/close_x_thin.svg';}

Then we export an instance of the icon's class:

export const icons = new AteraIcons();

And here comes the magic — we convert the class keys to a type and export this type too:

export type AteraIcon = keyof AteraIcons;

Then in the icon component, we are using AteraIcon to type the name instead of a generic string.

@Input() set name(value: AteraIcon) {  this._src = icons[value];}

This way we gain two benefits:

  1. Typing — developer can use only the icon name from our index. If a developer has even a tiny typo like using x instead of X — Typescript will fail to compile:

2. The IDE exposes us to IntelliSense 🕺

A few words about Typescript keyof

The operator keyof is one of the little goodies of Typescript. It takes a type and produces a string literal of its keys.

We could achieve a closer effect by doing this:

export type AteraIcon = 'home' | 'user' | 'chevron_down_bold' |     'close_x_thin';

But instead of getting a long line with all your icons' names, we use the keyof on the icon's class and connecting the class and its keys. Doing so, every time we add a new icon, we only need to add it to the class index.

keyof can be used only on types, which is why we index the icons in a class and not in a simple const object.

BTW, you can use the same technique on every index you have. Nice, isn't it?



Elad Elram
Elad Elram

Written by Elad Elram

Senior FrontEnd developer at Atera

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